
來源:直播吧2024-08-27 14:04

27th August: The playoffs of the 2024 LCK summer season are in full swing, and this edition of "LCK Zoom In" features an insightful Q&A with Faker, Delight, Bdd, Lucid, Rascal, Sylvie, and Lehends.

The question for this edition is:

- Where would you sit on a plane?

- Who would you exchange lives with?

Q: If you had to choose a player to exchange lives with, who would it be? And why?

Viper: Can I choose not to exchange? The reason is that I like myself. My life hasn't always been perfect, there have been ups and downs, but overall, it's been quite interesting!

Lucid: I haven't really thought about this question, as I believe everyone has their own struggles and difficulties. But no matter what, I feel that I am quite fortunate. If I had to choose a player, I would like to experience ShowMaker's life. After all, he has reached the pinnacle and maintained that level for a long time. It would be interesting to experience that.

Delight: Faker.

Sylvie: Because I believe I will strive for a better life for myself.

Faker: I haven't thought about exchanging with any player.

Bdd: Because I am satisfied with my own life.

Lehends: I don't want to exchange lives with anyone. Firstly, I personally think my professional life is great! It will only get better in the future! Besides, other players have put in a lot of effort to reach their current heights, so I am satisfied with myself too!

Rascal: I would be content with my current self, and I don't want to exchange lives with anyone.

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