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來源:YouTube2024-07-23 22:36

PIVOT,a Japanese YouTube channel, recently featured a program with guest speaker Kazuyuki Kaito, a journalist from "Sports Daily." Prior to this program, "Sports Daily" had continuously reported on the news of Takefusa Kubo's potential transfer to Liverpool, which was also picked up by several European media outlets. During the program, Kazuyuki Kaito shared his opinions on Kubo's potential move to Liverpool.

Was the report written by you?

Kazuyuki Kaito: I can't say.

Do you think Kubo will join Liverpool?

Kazuyuki Kaito: It's not certain if he will go or not, but I believe the likelihood is very high.

On a scale of 0-100, how likely is it?

Kazuyuki Kaito: Probably around 80%.

Did Liverpool extend an invitation to Kubo?

Kazuyuki Kaito: The definition of invitation has become quite complicated in Japan recently. Usually, a formal invitation only happens at the last minute. Before that, there are various negotiations happening behind the scenes involving clubs and agents. So, I'm not sure if there has been a formal invitation yet.

But if Kubo has a release clause, there's no need to make an offer to the club (Real Sociedad), right?

Kazuyuki Kaito: It would only require a conversation with him personally. If Liverpool is willing to pay more than the release clause, then it depends on whether Kubo himself is willing to go. It also depends on the conditions between him and Liverpool, such as salary. Once they reach an agreement, a formal offer can be made.

What is Kubo's agent like?

Kazuyuki Kaito: His name is Roberto Tsukuda, who used to be Daisuke Kariya's agent and can also be considered as Shunshuke Nakamura's agent.

Does he have Argentinian citizenship?

Kazuyuki Kaito: No, he actually has Colombian citizenship.

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