
來源:直播吧2024-10-30 12:22

Emiliano Raggi, a journalist from Argentina who works in Madrid, took to Twitter last night to disclose his unpleasant experience interviewing Manchester United star Jadon Sancho at the Ballon d'Or ceremony.

The journalist wrote, "I have woken up and am getting ready to go to the airport in Paris. After the Ballon d'Or ceremony, I wanted to talk about my experience interviewing Sancho, because I am still in disbelief. On the red carpet, they told me Sancho was here, so I asked him to do a short interview for the Argentine show HILO."

"Sancho walked past me twice, and I said the classic opening line: 'Hey, can I have a minute for an interview for the Argentine media?' He didn't even look at me and spoke in Spanish to the girl from the Ballon d'Or organization who was with him, saying, 'I only do interviews in English.'"

"He even did an interview in English with a Spanish television channel. Faced with this situation, I insisted on conducting the interview in Spanish, but they said no. I refused to interview him, and my colleagues from Brazil and France next to me couldn't understand this situation. It is as if Ederson, Martínez, or Pauqueta demanded to speak in English with a Brazilian television channel."

"Last night, I interviewed Emiliano Martínez in Spanish (he also plays in the Premier League and has been named the best goalkeeper in the world for two consecutive years) ?. Rodrigo (another Premier League player) and Bamba also gave interviews in the same language. They were the winners of the night."

"I usually don't post this kind of thing, but I still don't understand Sancho's attitude. Maybe he is a good kid, he's only 20 years old. He is even young enough to be my son. Anyway, he still has time to learn about manners."

"If anyone has had a similar experience when dealing with Sancho, please let me know. I would be grateful. I don't want to demonize him. Football players usually ask for respect from journalists, and I also ask for respect from them because I won't disrespect them. As an Argentine and a national team player, to not even look at me and refuse to speak in Spanish on an Argentine television channel is something I cannot understand. I would prefer if he just told me he didn't want to talk, that would have been easier."

"His comments won't change my life, but what I cannot understand is his attitude and manners. I know many well-mannered football players who have achieved everything. Maybe now is a good time for Sancho to reflect upon himself."

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